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The Normalizing Process Heat Treatment:-

Normalizing heat treatment is a heat treating process used to provide uniformity in grain size and microstructure in some steel grades.


Normalizing is the process of heating a material to a temperature above a critical limit and then cooling in open air. Normalizing maybe used as part of a 3 step heat treatment process for high strength steels. This is the first step followed by austenitizing/quenching and tempering.
  1. Recovery stage
  2. Recrystallization stage
  3. Grain growth stage

Recovery Stage

During the recovery stage, a furnace or other type of heating device is used to raise the material to a temperature where its internal stresses are relieved.

Recrystallization Stage

During the recrystallization stage, the material is heated above its recrystallization temperature, but below its melting temperature. This causes new grains without preexisting stresses to form.

Grain Growth Stage

During the grain growth, the new grains fully develop. This growth is controlled by allowing the material to cool to room temperature via contact with air. The result of completing these three stages is a material with more ductility and reduced hardness


Normalizing can also be used for cast irons to produce more uniformity, improved wear resistance, and increased hardness values.


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