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Brinell hardness tester procedure.

Brinell hardness tester procedure:- BRINELL HARDNESS TESTING The Brinell hardness test is used for larger samples in materials with a coarse or inhomogeneous grain structure. This page describes the Brinell hardness test in detail and gives you practical information on how to apply it. Brinell Test Machine Description:- The Brinell Hardness Tester consists of a loading system, the main screw, and a dial gauge. The loading system consisting of weights, leavers and a hydraulic dashpot and a plunger arrangement is enclosed in the cast iron body of the machine. The main screw is also protected from extraneous elements by a rubber bellow. It carries the test table on its top to hold the specimen and is actuated by a hand at the base. The machine is provided with two ball indenters (of sizes 2.5mm&5mm) to transmit the test load on to the specimen DEFINITION OF THE BRINELL HARDNESS TEST:- Today, the Brinell test is performed using a Brinell hardness test unit. The machine presses a tungst