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Samples Preparation for Metallurgical testing

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  • Selecting a representative sample of the materials
  • Sectioning the sample to avoid altering or destroying the structure of interest
  • Mounting the section without damage to the test sample
  • Grinding to achieve a flat sample with a minimum amount of damage to the sample surface
  • Polishing the mounted and ground sample
  • Etching in the proper etchant to reveal the microstructural details


Selecting a representative test sample to properly characterize the microstructure or the features of interest is a very important first step. For example, grain size measurements are performed on transverse sections, whereas general microstructure evaluations are performed on longitudinal sections. Therefore, it is important to provide the laboratory with information about the orientation or the rolling direction of the test specimen.


Test samples are carefully sectioned to avoid altering or destroying the structure of the materials. If an abrasive saw is used, it is important to keep the sample cool with coolant or lubricant so it doesn’t burn or overheat. However, no matter how carefully abrasive sawing or electric discharge machining is performed, a small amount of deformation occurs on the sample surface. This deformation must be removed during subsequent preparation steps.


After the test sample is sectioned to a convenient size, it is mounted in a plastic or epoxy material to facilitate handling and the grinding and polishing steps. Mounting media must be compatible with the sample with respect to hardness and abrasion resistance. Typical mounting materials are thermosetting phenolics such as Bakelite, and thermoplastic materials such as methyl methacrylate (Lucite). Mounting involves putting the sample in a mold and surrounding it with the appropriate powder. When the mold is heated and pressurized at the correct levels, setting or curing of the media occurs. The mounted sample is removed from the mold. If the use of heat or pressure might alter the structure of the sample of interest, then castable cold mounting materials such as epoxies are employed.


Grinding follows mounting to remove the surface damage that occurred during the sectioning step and to provide a flat surface. Grinding generally involves the use of water lubricated abrasive wheels and the use of a series of progressively finer abrasive grits. This procedure provides a flat surface that is nearly free of the disturbed or deformed metal that has been introduced by the previous sample preparation steps.


Final polishing abrasives are selected based upon specimen hardness and chemical reactivity. The most common polishing abrasives are alumina and colloidal silica. Alumina abrasives are primarily used as mechanical abrasives because of their high hardness and durability. They also exist in either the softer gamma (mohs 8) or harder alpha (mohs 9) phases. 


The final step that might be used is etching to show the microstructure of the test sample. This step reveals features such as grain boundaries, twins and second phase particles not seen in the unetched sample.

Nitric acid
100 ml
1-10 ml
Immersion up to a few minutes.Most common etchant for Fe, carbon and alloys steels and cast iron - Immerse sample up from seconds to minutes; Mn-Fe, MnNi, Mn-Cu, Mn-Co alloys

Picric acid
100 ml
2-4 grams
Seconds to minutes
Do not let etchant crystallize or dry –explosive
Recommended for microstructures containing ferrite, carbide, pearlite, martensite and bainite. Also useful for magnetic alloys, cast iron, high alloy stainless steels and magnesium.

Thanks & regards
Aviansh Sharma


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